SocialFi Metaspace
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The SNW SocialFi Metaspace ( is where everything (SocialFi, GameFi, Sci-fi, and DeFi) starts and promotes. All kinds of building, SocialFi functionalities, movement, and gamification settings are designed in a way as crypto native as possible. You can find memes, crypto celebrities, or icons in almost every building, statue, billboard, etc. in the SNW Metaspace.
Fountain Di Crypto: In the middle of the SNW SocialFi Metaspace, the place you are “born” next to, is the fountain on the central square. It will also serve as a Fountain Di Crypto (to wish you to-da-moon) where you can throw your tokens into it and ask for a lottery win. Weekly/Monthly-held ranking contest will reward the luckiest winners (who realize most wishes) and Industrious slingers (who throw the most $SNGold) with special gifts.
Ceremony and special campaigns will be regularly organized by the SNW team, for instance, #BitcoinPizzaDay fun activity that has caught the industry's sight.
2. DAO Temple On the right side of the fountain is the Temple. This is a place for DAO governance where people can vote by staking their NFTs and tokens.
3. REKT JPM & John McAfee Gravestone Below the Temple is the rekt J.P. Morgan headquarters on the left. To crypto lovers, the decentralized finance network and the centralized are like life or death. We will never stop BUIDLing until every human enjoys the freedom of money.
On the right is the final resting place of John McAfee. He was a fighter for bitcoin, though he never did what he promised in the bitcoin bet. (For details, please google “John Mcafee bitcoin bet”.) He spent his last years in prison and was said to take his own life. The truth will probably never be unveiled. We set a monument here to pay him our respects, as he deserved to be remembered.
4. Doge Tower Right below them is the Doge building. Who let the doge out? The answer is Elon Musk, for sure. If you hold a $DOGE token and the belief that it’s going to be the currency on Mars, here is the place for you.
5. Ethereum Building The grand appearance of the Ethereum building with its iconic logo has now been unveiled. We can save an office place for Vitalik in this building to hold his office hours. This could also be the place for projects on the Ethereum chain to promote their projects and collaborate with each other.
6. Faucet & Meme Club Do you know that the first bitcoin faucet task was granted 5 bitcoins in 2010? Here at the Faucet, users can earn by completing little tasks as well. It is also a place for daily check-in to get the $SNGold reward.
7. Place Station & Game Stop Here will be the station for the “tram” connecting different lands in the SNW metaverse, and the hub for all game lovers.
8. ICO Plaza The ICO plaza is the place where ICOs are held. The building is located right next to the central fountain, with a giant big advertising screen on the building side demonstrating the most important news of the whole industry and upcoming SNW events. Just imagine, all SNW heroes can gather here in front of the ICO Plaza and watch BTC's price hit 100k USD. That was even more exciting than celebrating the New Year in Times Square, New York. Unfortunately, you might not be able to “kiss” the one next to you. A bump, yes!
9. Moon Nightclub Moon Nightclub is the place to hang out with crypto enthusiasts. The idea is to grab a Pina Solana or Mai Dai and make friends with whales on your journey to the moon. The industrial-first on-chain dancing ball will be happening here
10. Mint Market Next to the Moon Nightclubs is the NFT lovers’ paradise, the Mint Market. In the future, it could be the place where all NFTs are minted and traded.
11. BTC Sculpture This is a huge holographic statue of a person wearing bitcoin glasses. The purpose is to create a futuristic city scene, similar to those in Blade Runner 2049.